Processes, Rights & Trees Bulldozed
This website aims to contribute to the community-aligned campaign – Stand for Auroville Unity – and provides resources to help people understand the current conflict around urban development and self governance in Auroville.
The judgement from NGT
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Timeline of events
Most recent updates, for a complete timeline, visit the timeline page.
A list of acronyms is provided at the bottom.
July 25th, 2022

This weekend, ignoring a stay order from the courts, bulldozers continue to raze down parts of the Youth Center, uprooting trees and ripping out the mosaic floor laid by young people from across the world. Despite having already forcefully cleared forest and structures for the path last December, they apparently miscalculated the road placement and need to clear more space within the Youth Center. Old and new path lines can…
Read moreJuly 24th, 2022

In the past week, bulldozers have been popping up in various sections of Auroville without warning, specifically in stretches between Darkali, Language Lab, and the Youth Centre/Bliss Forest. There has been no regard for the community processes.
Read moreJuly 19th, 2022

Over the last week, “work” on the proposed Crown area including the destruction and removal of trees is being carried out by the AVFO’s “ATDC”. There is no transparency on their plans and no detailed development plans (DDPs) have been created or shared with the community so far. The TDC of the RA recently sent a letter regarding this fact: Open letter: To the members of the non-RA appointed “ATDC” team, We, the undersigning members of the Residents’ Assembly appointed and mandated L’Avenir d’Auroville / TDC team, herewith voice our strong protest against the manner in which the “work” on the Crown in the area of the Youth Centre / Bliss Park and near Darkali is presently being executed. These actions are done without any Detailed Development Plan, in fact without any plan whatsoever, without any transparency on what is to be built,…
Read moreJuly 16th, 2022

Community Potluck at the Certitude sports ground. A potluck was organized in an effort to bring the community together and strengthen the unity of the Resident’s Assembly. The event started at 6:00 pm with a collective invocation, where people gathered around a flower mandala (shaped like the Auroville symbol) to light candles and oil lamps. Around 1000 people came and shared the joy of togetherness with a wide variety of food.
Read moreJuly 13th, 2022

SAIIER staff quarters ‘Harmony’ & ‘Prosperity’ taken over by AVFO Last week a member of the AVFO took the keys to all the remaining unallocated units of the newly built SAIIER staff quarters ‘Harmony’ & ‘Prosperity’, located near Transformation community. No formal notice was given and there is no clarity as to whether the remaining units will be allocated as per standard procedure or not. A number of Aurovilians, some of whom have been waiting for several years to move…
Read moreJuly 13th, 2022

Financial Service (FS) accounts of Working Groups of the RA have been frozen Members’ access to the Financial Services (FS) accounts of both the WCom of the RA and the FAMC of the RA have been blocked in the past month, meaning that the staff and those members of the working groups who receive a maintenance might have difficulties to be paid going forward. Despite the ongoing court case, which specifically mentioned that ‘no proceedings’ should be carried out against the petitioners (i.e. the WCom of the RA), FS management removed access to the FS account from RA WCom members. At a later date, the access to their account was also removed from the FAMC of the RA members. Although WCom members have been assured that access to…
Read moreJuly 11th, 2022

Joint letter from WCom, FAMC, and Council sent to Land Board By AV Council (AVC) , 11 Jul 2022 / 11:13 am in Announcement Dear Community, We share with you a joint letter from WCom, FAMC and Council sent to Land Board on July 4th, regarding an irregular Office Order issued by the office of the Secretary. Kind regards, Auroville Council ______________________________________________ Dear Land Board members, We request that you please ignore the Office Order issued by Mr. G. Seetharaman on June 28th removing from the Land Board Renu and Padmanabhan, and appointing Ms. C. Meenakshi and Mr. T.K. Ponambalam. We affirm that Renu and Padmanabhan, along with the other Land Board members duly selected via a Residents’ Assembly approved process, continue to remain as bonafide members of the Land Board. At this time, as with several other new and reported but not provided Office Orders circulated recently, we are unable to recognise this Office Order as valid for multiple reasons. We also request that you please retrieve…
Read moreJuly 9th, 2022

Despite the Ngt order, one appointed spoke person by the secretary and other persons are ordering a JCB to level the trench at YC that is supposed by them to be the crown. They are asked by an Aurovilian to provide a work order. They stop the work and leave behind them a block of soil that has been dragged into the road that is used every day by Aurovilians, workers, and the bioregion.
Read moreJuly 11th, 2022
On Friday 8th and Saturday 9th July, without prior notice, a JCB entered the Youth Centre accompanied by Joel Van Lierde (“spokesperson” for the AVFO) to ‘flatten the road area’. The JCB started to destroy the vegetable garden next to the pizza oven and a 3-meter tall pipal, as well as many other smaller trees and bushes, were destroyed. On Saturday 9th July afternoon the JCB left a large earth mound blocking the main road access to the Youth Centre, a dangerous obstruction that may have caused road accidents. It was only removed on the insistence of an Aurovilian present at the Youth Centre. On Monday 11th July, the JCB returned to the Youth Centre area and continued clearing trees and bushes despite the clear ruling of the NGT court case that no trees were to be touched before the survey by the NGT Joint Committee, and a formal decision is taken. On…
Read moreJuly 5th, 2022

A letter is adressed to the Governing Board by the Working Committee of the Residents Assembly to inform of the new selected members of the different working committees. This letter has been shared with the community. Read the letter.
Read moreList of acronyms used
ATDC = Auroville Town Development Council
AVIB = Auroville International Board (AVI Centres)
GB = Governing Board
GM = General Meeting
IAC = International Advisory Council
NOC = Non-Objection Certificate
RA = Residents Assembly
RAD = Residents Assembly Decision-making meeting
WC = Working Committee
YC = Youth Centre
What is going on in Auroville?
The current conflict in Auroville is a complex combination of issues: urban town planning, environmental issues, Auroville’s unique governance structure, spiritual beliefs, and the recent silencing of residents.
Recent Events
Despite strong efforts of the community to collaborate on urban planning with the Auroville Town Development Council (ATDC) over past months, the Secretary’s office began sudden bulldozing in two community sites on December 4, without the necessary Work Orders. The aggressive measures continued over the coming days, with some violent scenes, hired enforcers and 900 trees lost. A court Stay Order is now in place until 3 Jan 2022. See our timeline of events.
What is Auroville?
Auroville is an intentional international community in Tamil Nadu, with about 3500 residents from 58 countries. It is globally recognised for its achievements in the fields of ecological agriculture, reafforestation, renewable energies, sustainable architecture, educational practices, collective living and social enterprise. Based on the evolutionary vision of Sri Aurobindo, and founded by the Mother in 1968, Auroville is endorsed by UNESCO as an experiment in human unity.
What is the Master Plan?
In the 1960s, the Mother worked with French architect Roger Anger, to develop a galaxy model for Auroville as a ‘city of the future’. After Mother’s time, this concept was developed over the years into a Master Plan (1999, 2001), which is a conceptual or policy framework, to begin planning. The Master Plan is now 20 years old. It lacks the required Detailed Development Plans (DDPs) which are needed for implementation, and needs to be updated to take into account the present-day ground realities, environmental concerns…
A number of Auroville residents with expertise in town planning have – in the spirit of collaboration – conducted studies and offered their expertise.
What is the conflict about?
The current conflict centres around differing interpretations of the implementation of Auroville’s Master Plan policy framework. Residents largely believe that destruction and development should not take place until the Detailed Development Plans have been completed. The community has requested Auroville’s Town Development Council (ATDC) to collaborate with the community in a meaningful way.
The ATDC and newly-appointed government authorities in Auroville want to rapidly develop the Crown way, which is a proposed 4km circular road. Events escalated in recent weeks, even though two Auroville communities on the Crown way (Darkali, Bliss) had presented their alternative development proposals to ATDC. These alternative proposals showed how the Crown concept could be respected whilst preserving precious forest and water catchment systems that are vital to the whole bioregion. The ATDC – which lacks planning expertise and contains some members appointed in questionable processes – ignored these proposals
What are the environmental concerns?
Auroville is renowned globally for its reafforestation initiatives. Over the last 50 years, the land has been transformed from a barren plateau to a thriving forest ecosystem that spans over 1340 acres, and contains three million trees. In particular, the forests have revived the indigenous Tropical Dry Evergreen Forest (TDEF), which is a rare type of forest found only in the south-east seaboard of India. Auroville has also developed sophisticated water catchment systems, which aim to contribute to the wider bioregion’s water security, which is under extreme threat. The current authorities’ rapid urban development agenda does not consider these issues, and no formal Environmental Impact Assessment was done before the bulldozing started.
What is Auroville’s decision-making process? How is its governance unique?
Auroville functions under a unique legal framework, enacted by the Indian Parliament: the Auroville Foundation Act (1988). The Act recognises the decision-making role of the Residents’ Assembly (which consists of about 2500 adults in 2021). The Residents’ Assembly and government-appointed Governing Board (represented in Auroville by the Secretary of Governing Board of the Auroville Foundation) are meant to work in harmony together while being interdependent. The Act aims to ensure that there is a balance of power and responsibilities between them. For example, in relation to the Master Plan, it’s understood that neither body has the right to veto the other; decisions should be integrated and brought to cohesion.
However, in recent months, the Secretary of the Governing Board has overridden residents’ concerns and the ongoing collaboration on compromises and is now forging ahead with its selective interpretation and imposition of the Master Plan, and rapid urban development that is not collaboratively planned or ecologically sensitive. The Working Committee of the Residents’ Assembly, a group of seven residents whose role is to assist the Residents’ Assembly in carrying its duties, currently has some members who seem to privilege an authoritarian approach over the inclusive and participatory community processes.
Auroville’s aims & ideals
Auroville is based on the evolutionary vision of Indian philosopher and seer Sri Aurobindo, the integral yoga. It was started in 1968 by the Mother. Auroville wants to be a universal town where men and women of all countries are able to live in peace and progressive harmony above all creeds, all politics and all nationalities.
In recent years, a few community members have developed more extreme views about the Mother’s wish to build a ‘city of the future’. They believe that the execution of the Crown as a ‘perfect circle’ is essential to hasten Auroville’s spiritual development. This crystallised view of the future city contrasts with the approach of many community members who believe that a ‘city of the future’ should be flexible and evolve with time. These underlying disagreements appear to be purposefully amplified by some, to serve disparate agendas.
Silencing Freedom of Speech
On December 7, Outreach Media – Auroville’s long-standing community service that liaises with external media – was notified by the Secretary of Governing Board of the Auroville Foundation that it should “refrain from issuing any statements until further notice”. The Secretary’s office announced that it had appointed two “Official Spokespersons”, without any consultation with the community.
Other aspects of the conflict
There are other aspects to the conflict that are too complex to go into here, including the shadow of larger political agendas, economic aspects, outside land prospecting, and cultural differences within Auroville, which have intensified this difficult situation.
In summary
In short, the current conflict in Auroville is complex! You may find some articles on the ‘In the Press’ page, that synthesise some of the aspects in a way that makes sense to you.
This website aims to provide some resources to make the conflictual situation more understandable.
While the content on this website aims to give the perspective of 500+ residents (who signed the Kalabhumi statement on 5 December), the content aims to be as factual as possible.
If you want to support the community’s call for non-violent, sustainable, collaborative urban planning, please follow us on social media and sign the petition:
Auroville is a place “where men and women of all countries are able to live in peace and progressive harmony, above all creeds, all politics and all nationalities. The purpose of Auroville is to realise human unity.”
As a member of the Auroville community, I cherish these values and the work we have to do together, whatever the challenges.
I reject violence, threats & actions which undermine community processes and our collective work.
Kalabhumi resolution signed by at least 500 people, 5 December 2021